Wheelchair Boot Slider

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People frequently struggle to get a wheelchair into the trunk of a car and eventually resort to lifting the wheelchair. This task can be facilitated with the Wheelchair Boot Slider.

It is perfect for foldable manual wheelchairs that require pushing. However, feel free to contact us to double-check. In general, it is not suited for large, heavy electric wheelchairs that do not collapse.


  • Boot Blanket – This is the padded section that protects the rear of the car. There is also a thinner section to go inside the boot to give a slippery surface for the wheelchair to slide on, when putting it into, or taking it out of the car.
  • Slider Platform – This is the part that the wheelchair is rolled into. The Slider is the cover to hold the wheelchair in position with Hook & Loop Tape attachments in the top corners.
  • Ground Protector – Place this on the ground under the Slider Platform to protect the Slider Platform from getting dirty, wet, or deteriorating on rough road surfaces. It also keeps your clothes clean when leaning the Wheelchair Boot Slider up against your thigh. The Ground Protector has a webbing strap attaching it to the Boot Blanket. This is a reminder not to leave it behind before driving away! Also, by pulling the strap, it is not necessary to bend down to pick the Ground Protector up.


Across the boot, spread the Boot Blanket. To open the front cover of the Slider Platform, release one of the Hook & Loop Tape securing straps. Place the folded wheelchair in the desired location and fasten the Stop Strap's Hook & Loop Tape.

Utilizing the two front cover handles, lean the Slider Platform with the wheelchair inside against the car boot. The edge of the boot will now support the majority of the wheelchair's weight. Place your thigh under the remaining weight. To allow the wheelchair to enter the boot, move forward.

Removing the wheelchair from the boot is even easier. Lift the wheelchair onto the edge of the boot using the two small loops, then hold the front cover handles to slide the Slider and wheelchair, slowly, gently and safely down to the ground.
